


Alcoholic Beverage & Tobacco Control (ABTC)

"To report any alcohol or tobacco violations, please contact the ABTC Hotline at (670) 285-1821."

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Alcoholic Beverage & Tobacco Control (ABTC)


Central Statistics Division (CSD)

"CSD provides statistical information that includes the Decennial Census Reports, Economic Indicator Reports, CPI, and other surveys and censuses conducted over the years."

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Central Statistics Division (CSD)


Enforcement & Compliance

The Enforcement and Compliance Division is three folds; it consists of the Office of Weights and Measures (OWM), the Bureau of Taxicabs (BOT), and recently was tasked with the enforcement aspect of Public Law 15-36 or the “Recycling Reporting Act of 2006.”

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Enforcement & Compliance



"The CNMI Division of Banking is under the Office of the Secretary of Commerce."

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"Thank you for visiting our website. We will try to provide all the necessary information and forms to the general public. We have included the following for your convenience: Commonwealth Insurance Code; Automobile Insurance Tariff; Workers’ Compensation Tariff; Rules & Regulations; and application forms."

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" The Office of the Registrar of Corporation is responsible for issuing, receiving, and holding custody all certificates, papers, statements, or other records or documents pertaining to corporations and partnerships in the Commonwealth. With the exception of sole proprietorships, all other business types are required to file annual reports with the Registrar of Corporation."

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Workers’ Compensation Commission (WCC)

"The Workers Compensation Commission (WCC) program provides financial protection for both employers and employees from the catastrophic effects of work related injuries, death, disability and medical expenses including rehabilitation."

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Workers’ Compensation Commission (WCC)

The mission and goals set hereunder are geared fundamentally toward developing sound solutions that would help stimulate the Commonwealth Economy by promoting a favorable business environment, attract private capital investment, infrastructure investment, research grants, and job development.

We are committed to provide the best quality public service through the years to come and hope that with this web site, it will serve the best interest and needs of all people here in the CNMI.

We look forward to hearing from you soon. For questions or comments you may email us at, or any of the phone numbers listed on the contact us page.


" The Office of the Registrar of Corporation is responsible for issuing, receiving, and holding custody all certificates, papers, statements, or other records or documents pertaining to corporations and partnerships in the Commonwealth. With the exception of sole proprietorships, all other business types are required to file annual reports with the Registrar of Corporation."


"Thank you for visiting our website. We will try to provide all the necessary information and forms to the general public. We have included the following for your convenience: Commonwealth Insurance Code; Automobile Insurance Tariff; Workers’ Compensation Tariff; Rules & Regulations; and application forms."

Enforcement & Compliance

The Enforcement and Compliance Division is three folds; it consists of the Office of Weights and Measures (OWM), the Bureau of Taxicabs (BOT), and recently was tasked with the enforcement aspect of Public Law 15-36 or the “Recycling Reporting Act of 2006.”
